
SSPA header

The Proceedings of the 43rd Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics are out!

As of today, the Proceedings of the 43rd Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics is out! I was the editor for these proceedings, just like I was for the 42nd and 39th symposia. This year’s proceedings consists of 7 submissions: 5 full papers and 2 extended abstracts. Altogether, the submissions represent 82 pages of sciency goodness.

8 PhD announcements

New PhD positions in ultrasound announced!

Note: These announcements have now expired.

Would you like to be my PhD student? CIUS, the group where I work, just announced 8 new PhD positions. In the project on ultrasonic well log data processing, I will be the main supervisor. Each announcement gives more information about what the project will entail. If you have any more questions about the project I am involved in, please feel free to contact me!

If this sounds interesting to you, then I encourage you to apply! Just go to the announcement(s) that interest(s) you the most, click ‘Apply for this job’, and fill out the required forms to submit your application(s). You can apply for as many PhD positions as you want to; there is no limit. The deadline is on May 31 July 31.

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My previous contributions to the blogosphere

(Do people still use the word ‘blogosphere’? No? Oh.)

This is not my first blog. I was also a co-founder and co-author of the Acoustics Research Centre blog while I was working at SINTEF Digital’s acoustics group. We intended this blog as a place where the acoustics researchers at NTNU and SINTEF could write about their research and their insights into acoustics. Over the years, I wrote several posts there, both under my own name and through the Acoustics Research Centre account.

Here are some of my favourites: …